The Films Set To Hit Theaters In 2019 You Should Be Most Excited About

The Irishman

The release of a new Martin Scorsese film would already be a cause for celebration, but The Irishman re-teams Scorsese with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, making this a must-see for anyone who has long pined for a Goodfellas reunion. The film marks another instance of Netflix luring a master auteur into its web by promising unlimited resources and full creative freedom. Scorsese dives back into the mob world he does best, exploring a hitman’s possible involvement in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.

Image Source: ConversationsAboutHer

Lucy in the Sky

Inspired by astronaut Lisa Nowak’s bizarre 2007 true story, Noah Hawley’s psychological sci-fi thriller centers on a married astronaut who returns to Earth after a mission and begins an affair with a fellow astronaut. She heads into a downward spiral as she loses her connection to her family — a condition that can afflict those who spend a long time in space — and when her lover begins another affair with an astronaut trainee, the bottom drops out. Starring Natalie Portman, Jon Hamm, Zazie Beetz and Dan Stevens, the film is set to be released some time in 2019.

Image Source: TrailerTrack

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